::Into the Shadows, The Magic Begins::

Each faith/belief system has its own theory of creation. If you break them all down you can see that each one is simular in many ways.
In each system the universe starts with a void, a total nothingness. Also within each comes the Supreme Creator, the One who creates both light and dark as well as all life as we know it and even some we don't.
Once we reach this point however, there are some differences. In christianity, there is One who is Good, and One who is Dark. Well ok...even in paganism we also have light and dark god/desses. But the difference is this...we as pagans accept that without those dark beings, there can be no light, no good.
Even our dark god/desses have light within. Take a look at Kali. She is known as the Supreme Destroyer. She gets rid of the negative and once that is done, light comes forth from Her. Again, it is the death/rebirth. Death of the negative, rebirth of the positve. Shiva, Her consort, is also considered to be dark but He is also one who ends the negative in order to create positive.
Pagans call upon these dark Ones to help bring about a change, either within ourselves or for the good of our brothers and sisters. (remember though, no one should cast a spell ridding a person of their free will) When we do this...we want to change, to get rid of that negativity in our lives so that the Divine Light can shine brightly.
Christians however, see the dark as being wrong. They do not see that we, as peoples, are made of both light and dark. (or maybe they do. I'll delve a bit further on that one later.) They tend to not recognize that there must be a balance of light and dark in order of everything to run smoothly. Not saying they're wrong for how they believe, but it isn't how I personally believe.
(This page will be continuously changed and updated as I delve deeper into my own personal shadows.

Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.

"Nyx" is copyrighted 
Jessica Galbreth, artist

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