::Into the Shadows, The Magic Begins::

Before using or trying any of these herbs...Please consult your Doctor. This page is in no way a replacement for a physicians advise. These herbs are used in teas, decoctions, and poultices. Instructions follow the list for making each.

Aracia gum- Also called gum arabic. Used to ease sore throats and coughs.

Alfalfa- Used as a diuretic. Will rid the body of retained water. Is also used to help increase appetite. Is also said to help cure peptic ulcers.

Allspice- Also known as pimento. The dried berries are supposed to have an anaesthetic effect when used in a bath. Is also helpful in ridding the body of excess gas.

Aloe Vera- Used as a soother of burns and scrapes. Is said to help rid wounds of toxins thus speeding the healing process.

Angelica- Used as a blood purifier. For women the tea will help bring on menstruation. Also helps stomach and intestinal disorders. CAUTION!! Used in large doses it can cause problems with the heart, blood pressure, and breathing. Not for use by Diabetics.

Apple- Used as a stimulant. Apple cider is used as a preventative against gout and rheumatism. Eaten before bedtime, apples help ease constipation. The apple is also good for teeth as the juice is cleansing and the flesh hard enough to help rid the teeth of plaque.

Basil- Used internally as a aid for headaches, stomach cramps, and general pain. Also helps ease nausea. Externally can be used as an aniseptic for wounds.

Bay Laurel- Used to sooth aching muscles in the bath. Can also be used to ease an earache. Also helps to fade bruises and relieve itchy skin.

Blackberry- Used to ease stomach upset and diarrhea.( I personally use Blackberry wine...1 teaspoon helps colicky babies.) A tea of blackberry can also ease colds, flu, sore throat and anemia.

Borage- Used for reducing fever. A tea of borage helps feverish colds, can help increase milk for new mothers, and help treat minor lung problems. The flowers make a very nice garnish for summer drinks and you can eat the leaves in salads.

Burdock- Helps to ease skin problems such as acne and minor sores.

Calendula- A tea of the flowers can be used for ulcers, cramps and diarrhoea. Can be taken internally to help reduce fever and vomiting.

Camomile- Helps to aid in sleep. Calming. A tea is used to ease nervousness and ease fever in children. Also drunk for colic, stomach ache, and heartburn.

Caraway- Used to help ease a toothache- soak a small peice of cotton in the oil and place directly in the cavity.

Catnip- Used to treat colds, chills, and fever. Also good to help bring on the menstrual flow. Used as a tea.

Cayenne- Can be used to treat colds and coughs. Is also a local stimulant.

Echinacae- Used to help build up the body's immune system. Drunk in tea form, it aids in the reduction of fever.

Eucalyptus- Used as an expectorant for bronchitis. Can also be used in a vaporizer. Is also used for wounds as it has antiseptic properties.

Fennel- Used to relieve gas. The tea is drank for its diuretic properties.

Feverfew- Used to help ease migraines, and nervous conditions.

Garlic- Used for many centuries as an immunity stimulant and natural antibiotic. Can prevent intestinal worms and increase the healthy bacteria in the system.

Ginger- A tea can be used to help relieve colds and flu. Also used to help relieve stomach cramps and menstrual pain.

Golden seal- Can be used as an antiseptic for wounds. Also used as a wash for minor skin irritations such as eczema.

Hyssop- Used as an expectorant for colds. Also helps soothe wounds and aids in healing.

Lavender- Can be used as a mild sedative. The oil may also be used as a antiseptic for ulcers and abscesses.

Lemon- The juice can be mixed with honey and hot water to help relieve a sore throat. Can be applied to the skin for bleaching freckles and stains. Dried and crushed lemon peels may be used in a wound as a clotting agent.

Lemon balm- Used as a tea to help relieve stress. Can be used as a sachet for keeping your clothes fresh.

Mint- Useful as a tea for coughs, colds, and flu. Will also help to ease an upset stomach.

Nettle- Used in tea form to help ease asthma. An infusion of nettle helps to ease the pain and speed healing of burns.

Parsley- In tea form it is used to ease cramps, colic, and jaundice as it is rich in iron. Crushed parsley leaves can soothe insect bites.

Pennyroyal- The tea is good for colds and will help bring on the menstrual flow but care should be taken as large doses can be very poisonous. Not to be used if you are pregnant.

Rosemary- Tea can be used to relieve stress. Also useful as a antiseptic. An infusion of rosemary can be used to ease scratches and insect bites after walking in the woods.

Sage- The tea will aid in fighting colds and fever. An infusion of sage with honey is good as a gargle for sore throats. A strong infusion can help to ease dandruff.

St. Johns Wort- In tea form it is used to help relieve depression.

Tansy- The leaves are a natural insect repellant and can be hung in closets or used in sachets.

Thyme- The oil is a strong antiseptic. Used externally, it can be useful as a skin wash for scabies, arthritis, and other skin conditions. In tea form it can be used for colds,whooping cough,and internal infections.

Valerian- Used as a mild sedative. It will aid in causing a good nights sleep.

Vervain- An infusion is useful as an astringent. In tea form it is used for asthma and bronchitis.

Witch Hazel- Used as a powerful astringent. Commercial preparations are available. Used as a mild tea for internal bleeding.

Wormwood- Used as a stimulant and to rid the body of worms. Caution...poisonous in large doses.

Yarrow- Drunk in tea form it is useful for colds and flu. As a poultice it is useful for infections and swelling.


Infusion (tea) -Cover 2 teaspoons of dried or 4 teaspoons of fresh hebs in 1 cup of boiling water. Cover and let steep. This will release the useful properties in the herbs.
Decoction -Simmer the herbs gently in water.
Poultice - Bruise the plant and pour enough boiling water over to cover. Cover the affected part with the plant matter and gauze. When the cloth cools replace it.

Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.

"Nyx" is copyrighted 
Jessica Galbreth, artist

Background set Created by
©Dreamers Design 2002