This poem has not been named as of yet. All I can call it is...
I've grown tired,
Of this never ending game.
I try so hard,
To be what I feel I should be.
Why others cannot do the same,
Is beyond me to comprehend.
I put on no airs,
No false face for the world to see.
I feel and see what is,
No more, no less.
I have no need to impress.
No claims will I lay.
Accept or not,
That is up to you.
But meet me in the middle.
Lay aside your masks.
Come to me,
As I come to you,
Open for all to see.
Shadow (c) Jan 2001
Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.
is copyrighted
Jessica Galbreth, artist
set Created by
©Dreamers Design 2002