Mysterious fires glow in the deepening gloom,
A drum slowly starts to beat,
Calling them all to the Circle bound.
Steadily the throng gathers,
Converging in the Sacred wood.
They come to be.
The very ground begins to sigh,
With the breath of Her they adore.
The crowd locks hands,
Both old and new,
Together in this space and time.
A lone woman dressed in blue moves to the center.
She kneels before the great need fire,
Gathering the dust of the earth in her hands.
She rises up,
Her arms raised to the skys,
As the group lends their voices to the heavens.
A brilliant flash,
Light brighter than day.
A sudden intake of breath,
A gasp.
As the light slowly fades,
A beautiful apparition appears.
© Shadow April 2000
Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.
is copyrighted
Jessica Galbreth, artist
set Created by
©Dreamers Design 2002