While you won't find spells here I will give you a basic outline to go by to create your own personal spells. Remember, this is an outline...use it well.
Type of Spell: What it is you want.(ie. love, money, healing, psychic dreams, etc.)
Date & Time Made: Kinda self explanitory
Specific Purpose: What it is you want to draw to you or away from you.
List Of Ingredients &/or Supplies Needed: ALL you need for the spell-working. (ie. candles, herbs, parchment, inks, etc.)
Specific Location Required: Your sacred grove for example
Date, Time & Astrological Phase When Used: All the favorable correspondences you can wrestle up.
Outcome: Write it when you know it.
Deities Invoked During Preparation and/or Use: The Gods and Goddesses you ask to help you in your workings.
Step By Step Instructions For Preparations & Use: Detailed please! It will come in handy. Keep this with your spell.
Additional Notes: Variations for the spell. Things you noticed occurred during or after performing the spell.
This is the outline that I use personally. You may find some other information you want to include. By all means do so.
Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.
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Jessica Galbreth, artist
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