::Into the Shadows, The Magic Begins::


While you won't find spells here I will give you a basic outline to go by to create your own personal spells. Remember, this is an outline...use it well.

Type of Spell: What it is you want.(ie. love, money, healing, psychic dreams, etc.)

Date & Time Made: Kinda self explanitory

Specific Purpose: What it is you want to draw to you or away from you.

List Of Ingredients &/or Supplies Needed: ALL you need for the spell-working. (ie. candles, herbs, parchment, inks, etc.)

Specific Location Required: Your sacred grove for example

Date, Time & Astrological Phase When Used: All the favorable correspondences you can wrestle up.

Outcome: Write it when you know it.

Deities Invoked During Preparation and/or Use: The Gods and Goddesses you ask to help you in your workings.

Step By Step Instructions For Preparations & Use: Detailed please! It will come in handy. Keep this with your spell.

Additional Notes: Variations for the spell. Things you noticed occurred during or after performing the spell.

This is the outline that I use personally. You may find some other information you want to include. By all means do so.

Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.

"Nyx" is copyrighted 
Jessica Galbreth, artist

Background set Created by
©Dreamers Design 2002