::Into the Shadows, The Magic Begins::


Here you will find a brief description of some gems and crystals I use personally... You will surely find some you like too.

Amber- the fossilized resin of primeval trees. Can contain mummified insects or plant matter. Used as a healer and grounder.

Amethyst- a purple colored stone that has a direct link to the mind. Beneficial to those who meditate and also helps with insomnia. Helps to relieve emotional and physical pain.

Tiger Eye- a striped stone of light and dark brown that resembles a cat's eye if cut right. Helps us to "see" our own best powers to find solutions for our problems.

Quartz-clear crystal that hold and also generate electromagnetic energies. (You know the silicon chips in your computer? Guess what? They are made of Quartz!)Used as a healing stone. Aids all other stones in a healing lay-out.

Jade-a green, red, cream, brown, red or yellow stone. Each color has its own properties. Helps rid the body of negative energies and also keeps the wearer out of harms way. (I use green jade- helps channel your energy into growth and creativity.)

Rose Quartz- a pink colored stone. Useful in discovering the ability to love yourself and to love others. Stimulates the emotional aspects in us all.

Lapis Lazuli- a deep blue stone that helps to open your mind to spiritual enlightenment. It increases psychic abilities and also helps to open the third eye.

Moss Agate- a black, brown, or green stone that has markings in white, brown or grey that resemble moss. Useful in balancing the mind....bolsters creativity. Also has connection with the Earth.

Bloodstone- a deep green stone with flecks of red that look like drops of blood. Used to increase courage and ease the mind by avoiding dangerous situations.

Malachite- a stone that ranges from dark to light green in color. Caution should be used if using this stone as it can amplify negativity. Used for relaxation and visions of all kinds.

Hematite- a dark steel grey to iron black stone. This stone is said to be a protector and helps with low self esteem. Is also an aid for use in astral projection. Can also help with grounding when you feel disconnected from yourself.

Limestone- this stone comes in many colors ranging from a creamy white, red, brown, yellow, green, and black. It is used to unlock the creativity in us and helps to rid us of sudden fears.

Lodestone- (also named Magnetite)- a dark brown or grey stone with magnetic properties. Is used to help magnify positive and repel negative energies. Also used in healing lay-outs to stimulate organs that need healing.

Calcite-comes in shades of brown, black, white, grey, green, yellow, and blue. Helpful for cleansing organs such as the bones and joints. Helps sharpen the mind. Useful for those who are in healing professions.

Moonstone- usually pale blue or green milky looking stones. Helps to calm the reactions to emotional stimuli. helpful in cleansing and strengthening the lower body, including the reproductive and digestive organs.

While these metals are not stones they also have healing and spiritual qualities that are benificial to us...

Brass- an alloy of copper and zinc. Used as a detoxifier and blood cleanser.

Copper- is usually colored a soft reddish brown ordeep brick red. Useful for inflammitory diseases such as arthritis and rhuematism. Also helps to balance and center personal confidence.

Gold- used as a regenerator. Helps rid the body of blockages. Useful in seeing yourself in a more realistic light.

Silver- helpful in that it helps nerve impulses transmit freely to the brain. Helps balance both sides of the brain. Helps solve sexual dysfunctions and impotence. Used as a mental clarifier.

Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.

"Nyx" is copyrighted 
Jessica Galbreth, artist

Background set Created by
©Dreamers Design 2002