These are some basic definitions of words used in the craft.
Adept- one who, by skill, study, and research, has mastered a particular area of the craft.
Altar- a special place set aside for magickal workings.
Amulet- an object of protection that is charged against negative energy forces. Can be made of many different materials such as plants, stones, etc.
Ankh- an Egyptian symbol for life, love and reincarnation.
Arcana- the two halves of the Tarot. The Major arcana has 22 cards representing dominant things in our lives. The Lessor arcana has 56 suit cards that represent smaller things in our lives. They are used to fill out the spread of a Tarot reading.
Astral- another plane or dimension of space or reality.
Astral travel/projection- the process of separating the astral body from the physical one to travel in the astral field.
Athame- a ritual knife that is cleansed and consecrated to be used in magickal workings. The knife is usually not used for cutting flesh or letting blood. (Although in some covens there is an initiation ceremony that does require it) Used mostly to represent the God and to cut an opening in the magick circle.
Bane- a word for bad, evil, or destructive forces.
Banish- to put an end to something using magick. To also stop an entity from using this plane. Getting rid of a presence.
Bi-location- the ability to travel in the astral plane yet still be in touch with this reality.
Bind- to stop something or someone using magick. To restrain.
Blood of the Moon- A woman's menstrual cycle. If this occurs during a full moon, the witch is far more powerful than any other time.
Book of Shadows- a new term used for a witch's book of research, knowledge, and spells. Another name for this is a grimoire.
Bolline- a curved knife used for cutting herbs, wands and inscribing candles. It is usually white handled.
Burning Times- this is a period in time that over 9 million people were killed by the church and public officials for being a witch or practicing witchcraft. It should be noted that most who were killed were not witches but poor souls that were different in some way, or had made someone angry at them in their town or villiage. Most that were killed were women and children.
Call- to invite divine forces into your circle.
Chakras- the 7 major energy fields found in the human body. They are associated with a color and body part. These are: crown-white (top of head)/ forehead-purple(third eye)/ throat-blue/ chest-pink or green/ navel-yellow/ abdomen-orange/ groin-red. There are smaller fields located in the hands and feet.
Charge,The- originally written in modern form by Doreen Valiente. It is the story of the Goddess speaking to her children.
Cleansing and consecrating- the act of removing negative energy from an object and instilling positive energy.
Coven- a group of 13 or fewer witches that work together. A covenstead is the permanant meeting place where a coven can feel safe and at home.
Deosil- clockwise movement.(pronounced jes-il)
Divination-the art of using magickal tools such as the Tarot and Runes to gather information about a person, place, thing, or event.
Drawing Down the Moon- a ritual used during the full phase of the moon to unite a witch's power with that of the Goddess.
Evocation- to call something out from within.
Familiar- an animal that has a spiritual bond with a witch, can also be created by the witch to protect his or her home from the astral plane.
Green Man- another name for the God.
Guardians- these are entities that protect the 4 elements.( The guardians of the watch towers)
Handfasting- a pagan ceremony that precludes marriage. Usually done for a year and a day.
Invocation- to bring something in from without.
Macrocosm- the world around us.
Microcosm- the world within us.
Magick-(Silver Ravenwolf said it best) the art and science of focusing your will and emotions to change the world within and without you. Magick is neither positive or negative. It is the use that determines what path it will take.
Pantheon- a group of Gods and Goddesses that from a particular religious or mythical structure. Examples would be the Greek, Celtic, Egyptian, or Roman.
Pentacle- a circle surrounding a 5 pointed star that represents the 5 elements. It should never be inverted.
Reincarnation- the belief in having not one but many lives.
Ritual- to perform a specific magickal act.
Scrying- a divination method using tools such as a black mirror, inked water, or smoke to forsee visual pictures of events.
Skyclad- the act of doing magickal workings in the nude. Many witches prefer to work skyclad as they feel the absense of clothes doesn't hinder their energy.
Spell- extended mental or emotional energy that is spoken outloud, written, or drawn out. There must be need for a spell to work.
Wheel of the Year- the full cycle of the seasons, beginning with the celebration Samhaim.
Widdershins- counterclockwise movement.
Working- using magick to reach a desired goal.
Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.
is copyrighted
Jessica Galbreth, artist
set Created by
©Dreamers Design 2002