::Into the Shadows, The Magic Begins::


On this page I have a short listing of some of the Gods and Goddesses that I personally call upon when needed thru my magickal workings. There is a bit of info about each one after Their name. Please keep in mind that the Goddess and the God are represented in all of the names below in Their different forms.

Aphrodite: "Queen of Heaven" to the Greeks. Goddess of love and beauty. She was born in the foam of an ocean wave. Her presence caused the Gods and humans alike to fall in love.

Artemis: Greek Goddess of the hunt and protectress of the animals and woods. Artemis was an eternal virgin. She is the embodiment of the independant feminine spirit. Usually depicted with Her bow and arrows.

Athena: Greek goddess of wisdom, culture, and civilization. The nurturer of the Arts. She is also the Great weaver. She is associated with triumph over will and reason.

Cerredwin:Celtic Goddess. She is known for her wisdom, shapeshifting abilities, and Her gift of prophecy. She is also a fertility Goddess.

Hecate:Greek Goddess who rules the threshold to the underworld. The Goddess of magic. One to call upon if needed for protection. Hecate is also depicted as a triple Goddess for She is associated with the moon.

Kali: Hindu Goddess of destruction and rebirth. She is known as the dark Mother. Kali symbolizes the beginning and ending of everything. She is also said to "eat" karma.

Paso Wee: The great Buffalo Woman. A legendary Native American healing woman.


Adonis: Greek - consort of Aphrodite (Goddess of love)

Anubis: Egyptian - Jackal-headed God responsible for conducting souls to the underworld. Son of Osiris and Nephthys, adopted by Isis as her guardian. Helped Isis to restore the body of Osiris after his murder by Set.

Apollo: Greek & Roman - God of the Sun, twin brother of Artemis (Goddess of the Moon)

Cernunnos/Kernunnos: Celtic - The Horned God, consort of the Lady.

Dionysus: Greek - God of wine, fertility, and vegetation. Son of Zeus. Roman equivalent is Bacchus.

Eros: Greek - God of love and passion.
Herne: Celtic - see Cernunnos.

Horus (the elder): Egyptian - God of the all-seeing eye. Son of Geb and Nut. Has the head of a falcon and the body of a man.

Hymen: Greek - God of marriage and wedding feasts. Son of Aphrodite and Dionysus.

Lucifer: Italian - God of light, brother of Diana.

Mithra: Persian - God of the Sun and of victory in war

Odin: Scandinavian - God of the dead and of war. Consort of Freya.

Osiris: Egyptian - Fertility God, brother and consort of Isis.

Pan: Greek - God of nature and of woodland.

Poseidon: Greek - God of the sea.
Ra: Egyptian - God of the Sun. Father of Hathor by Nut.

Shiva: Hindu - God of the cycle of birth-death-rebirth. Consort of Kali.

Thor: Scandinavian - God of the sky and of thunder. Son of Odin

Thoth: Greek - God of wisdom and of writing.

Zeus: Greek - Supreme God. Brother of Demeter.

Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.

"Nyx" is copyrighted 
Jessica Galbreth, artist

Background set Created by
©Dreamers Design 2002