The moon goes thru several phases each month and these phases affect magickal workings.
(Please note..this is the actual phase of the moon right now)
FULL MOON-this is the time that any magickal workings will be the strongest. This is also the time to celebrate the Goddess in all Her glory.
WANING MOON-(time between the full moon to the new moon)this is a time for reflection, meditation, and study. Not much magickal workings to do except those to banish negative energies.
NEW MOON-this is a time for rest. No magickal works should be attempted at this time.
WAXING MOON-(time between the new moon to the full moon)this is the time to focus on drawing positive energies to you. It is also the best time to make protective amulets, oils, and inscense to be used in your rites.
VOID OF COURSE-this is a time when the moon is moving thru the different zodiac signs. No magickal works will produce results. Alot of people feel this as a time when they "aren't quite myself today". The trouble with this is...the time that the moon is void is never the same. To determine when the moon is void, it is best to consult an almanac like LLewellyn's 2000 Magical Almanac.
Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.
is copyrighted
Jessica Galbreth, artist