::Into the Shadows, The Magic Begins::


In most magickal homes, there are several forms of protection surrounding the family inside. These can be as a simple as a crystal charged to the specific purpose, special inscense burned for protection, witches balls (more info about them later), amulets, or an elaborate ritual done for protection of the home and hearth.
In my own home, I use crystals, inscense, and a simple ritual for protection.

What you will need...
sea salt
4 rose quartz pieces
4 loadstone pieces (magnatite)
powdered orris root
sage smudge stick

First, you will need to clean your home from top to bottom. (yes, I know it's work but we gotta do it) Scrub the walls, windows, floors, and ceilings with a mixture of sea salt and clear water. (preferably natural spring water) The sea salt and water will help to rid any negativity from your home. After you have cleaned, now you need to smudge the rooms. Light the sage smudge stick and carry it all through your home, visualizing all the negative energy leaving. ( be sure to leave a window open so it will have somewhere to go) Call upon the diety of your choice to bless your home and keep it safe. After smudging, go to the 4 corners of your home and place 1 rose quartz, 1 loadstone, a pinch of sea salt, and a pinch of the orris root. Thank the diety for their help in this protection and you are done. The rose quartz and orris root brings in a loving atmosphere, the loadstone helps to magnify the positive and repell the negative, and the sea salt is very protective.

Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.

"Nyx" is copyrighted 
Jessica Galbreth, artist

Background set Created by
©Dreamers Design 2002