::Into the Shadows, The Magic Begins::


So many times I have heard individuals speak of soul mates, but does everyone know exactly what a soul mate is?
Most tend to think only in terms of the physical sense, that a soul mate is one who you want to spend the rest of your life with as partners. This is fine and ok up to a point. But did you know that there are other soul mates out there? Do you know what they are?
To me a soul mate is the closest of friends and family. They come into our lives when they are needed the most and can just as easily leave when their time of helping is over. That does not mean you lose them altogether, no. It just means that they go on to help in other ways. They are always with you in your heart and soul.
Others have also spoke of twin souls. They are also very real. But again, they are not always a "physical" relationship. In my own experience I have met my twin soul. This person knows me better than I know my ownself in alot of ways. Yet I do not look upon this person for physical gratification. I seek only the spiritual bond with them, and am so thankful that we have that. A twin soul is someone who you have spent many and I do mean many lives with. One who is always there and always will be there.
These are my own feelings on the matter but I just felt I had to clear up any misconceptions that people feel about the topic. Embrace your soul mates dearly for they are your loved ones forever and always.
Much love, light, and happiness to you all,

Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.

"Nyx" is copyrighted 
Jessica Galbreth, artist

Background set Created by
©Dreamers Design 2002