::Into the Shadows, The Magic Begins::


Ok first off let's define what a B.O.S. is shall we? A B.O.S. or Book of Shadows is a witch's personal journal of spells, formulas, chants, rituals, insights, and other correspondances that he/she feels is important to his/her own personal magickal workings.
In this, my on line version you will not find spells. Sorry but there are enough sites out there that do this for you. I feel that you should write your own as that makes it personal to you. I'm not saying you can't use someone elses spells, but take time to explore your own self and try at least to do your own.
With that said.....
on to the shadows
B.O.S. Blessing|| Charge of the Goddess
Charge of the God|| Witches Rede
Basic Definitions|| Misconceptions
Basic Spell Outline|| Medicinal Uses of Herbs
Moon and Her Phases|| Stones and Crystals
Color in Magick|| Short List of Dieties
Reference|| Meditation
Pagan Humor|| Protection
Acceptance|| Totem Animals and Familiars
Soul Mates|| Thoughts on Creation
Pagan Parenting (Coming Soon)
Coming Soon|| Coming Soon
Coming Soon

Embrace Your Shadows
For They Are Your Own.

"Nyx" is copyrighted 
Jessica Galbreth, artist

Background set Created by
©Dreamers Design 2002